Family Dental Care

Dental Mouth Guard Uses

May 31, 2013 @ 10:55 AM — by Danny O'Keefe D.D.S.
Tagged with: Mouth Guards Tmj Teeth Grinding

Mouth guards are devices that protect the teeth and gums from injury. Jackson cosmetic dentist Danny O’Keefe prescribes mouth guards for patients who participate in contact sports in which the teeth and gums can be damaged, who grind their teeth or suffer from TMJ disorder, and who are using topical medication on their teeth.

Mouth Guard Uses

Patients who participate in contact sports, or sports in which mouth injury is a risk, should wear a mouth guard during athletic practice and events. These sports include rugby, football, baseball, basketball, and any other sport in which a piece of equipment, ball, or opponent may make physical contact with the mouth.

Patients suffering from teeth grinding, or bruxism, at night may be prescribed a mouth guard. This type of mouth guard keeps the jaw aligned in its proper place and prevents patients from moving their lower jaw or making contact between the upper and lower teeth. It is designed for comfort for long wear and allows patients to breathe easily during use.

Patients with a jaw dysfunction, called temporomandibular joint disorder, which causes soreness and discomfort because of tension and constant movement during sleep, may utilize a mouth guard. These mouth guards, also known as splints, can stabilize the jaw and allow it to relax while patients sleep.

Some mouth guards are utilized for the application of topical medicine or other substances on the teeth. These mouth guards are usually not worn over night, and their main goal is to prevent a liquid or paste, such as whitening gel, from spreading from the teeth they are supposed to cover.

Types of Mouth Guards

At Dr. O’Keefe’s Jackson restorative dentistry practice, he can recommend a mouth guard, or create a specialized splint or guard, to meet a patient’s specific needs. Mouth guards come in a variety of types.

Mouth guards are a safe, removable treatment. For more information on each type of mouth guard, please contact Dr. O'Keefe's Jackson dentistry practice today.